Small Business Accounting

Virtual Bookkeeping + Taxes



We file your S-Corp Election, register your LLC with your state, apply for your EIN, and complete all the steps needed for your new S-corp


Straight-forward automated bookkeeping, all done for you. Our Team of professionals takes care of everything and delivers updated financial statements to you every month.


Now that you have Professional Bookkeeping, your personal and business tax returns are prepared quickly and efficiently. No pain and no surprises

Loyal Companion

starts at $199

Best of Breed

starts at $499
Bookkeeping Done for You
Owner Payroll
S-Corporation Setup
Bookkeeping Software Included
Online Financial Summary Tool
Notice & Audit Assistance, identity Theft Restoration
Customer Support - Bark to a Human!
Annual Tax Preparation and Review Meeting
Online Client Portal for Document Sharing and more

Best for startups and small businesses that need tax planning and filing

Best for businesses that need full service support including bookkeeping and payroll

Hiring the right tax professional for your small business is important…really important! Getting the right tax advice can mean hundreds or thousands of dollars in savings. Getting the wrong tax advice, well…that’s just wrong and doesn’t save hundreds or thousands of dollars. There is a simple truth, not every tax preparer is equipped to handle business taxes. Many are not versed in the minutiae of accounting (and there is a lot of minutiae). In fact, very few keep up with the special rules and regulations that are specific to corporate and small businesses taxes. Having a tax preparer who is an accountant saves you time and money. They are able to clear up much of the confusion you experience when it comes to understanding all that minutiae of finances and taxes

At Smart we specialize in accounting and tax preparation for small business. Our staff has decades of experience in accounting and business tax preparation. As crazy as it sounds we crave the minutiae. That accounting expertise – combined with our knowledge of current and proposed tax law means we are always looking for ways our clients can benefit from tax credits and deductions. Partnering with Smart means there is a whole team that cares about you and your business. And…we are here all year round. Your business doesn’t shut down when tax season is over and neither will we. 52 weeks a year we are here, empower small business owners to Be Different, Get Trained and Stay Smart.


Smart Guide To Incorporating
Our Smart Guide To Incorporating will explain all the benefits to incorporating or forming an LLC, including what type of entity is  best for your business (C-Corporation, S-Corporation, or LLC). This guide answers several of the most important  questions including:


  • Legal Protection
  • Tax Advantages
  • Ability To Obtain Better Financing
  • Step by Step Guide